Past Performances
Sunday Brunch Concert Series at the Shab Row Stage
June 20, 2021. Photo courtesy of Yoli.
The Oaks at Four Corners Senior Community
Meditational "Soundbath" afternoon at the Oaks at Four Corners in Silver Spring, MD., December 12, 2019. Photo courtesy of Myriam Lemmerman.
A Musical Taste of the World "Wind" Instruments at the Frederick County Public Libraries
Walkersville Branch Library, August 21, 2019
C. Burr Artz Public Library, August 20, 2019
Urbana Regional Library, July 31, 2019
Edward F. Fry Memorial Library at Point of Rocks, July 8, 2019
Brunswick Branch Library, June 29, 2019
Middletown Branch Library, June 29, 2019
Emmitsburg Branch Library, June 25, 2019
Thurmont Regional Library, June 24, 2019
Walkersville Elementary School
Annual Native American style Flute and World Instrument presentation and discussion to the students of Walkersville Elementary School, Frederick, MD, June 10, 2019
Frederick First Saturday at Shab Row Stage
Frederick First Saturday performance at the Shab Row Stage, June 1, 2019, sponsored by Todd Walker and the Everedy Square & Shab Row. Photo courtesy of Tomy Wright.
Walkersville Days
Walkersville Days woodwind performance at the Walkersville Public Library, May 18, 2019
Shab Row Third Saturday
Frederick Third Saturday concert series at the Shab Row Stage, May 18, 2019 sponsored by the Everedy Square & Shab Row. Photo courtesy of Apple Reese.
Hood College Green Neighbor Festival
Hood College "Green Neighbor Festival" at Culler Lake in Baker Park, Frederick, MD. Music sponsored by the Frederick Acoustic Music Enterprise (FAME) May 4, 2019.
Renn Fest in the City
Renn Fest in the City at the Shab Row Stage in downtown Frederick, MD September 1, 2018.
Frederick First Saturday
Frederick First Saurday concert series at the Shab Row Stage, August 4, 2018
Frederick First Saturday
Frederick First Saurday concert series at the Shab Row Stage, July 7, 2018
Walkersville Elementary School
Annual Native American style Flute and World Instrument presentation and discussion to the students at Walkersville Elementary School, May 25, 2018.
Frederick First Saturday
Frederick First Saturday concert series at the Shab Row Stage May 5, 2018.
Private Event
Celebration of Life Memorial Service at Thorpwood in Thermont, MD April 29, 2018.
"The flute is created from the earth, it dances on the wind. If you give your breath of life to the flute, it will sing of the earth to you." – Charles Haney